Florence: San Lorenzo

The basilica of San Lorenzo is among the oldest and most famous churches of Florence. The church is immediately recognisable by its unfinished façade and the enormous dome of the chapel behind the choir, the famed Cappella dei Principi. There is probably no church in Florence that has a closer…

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Florence: San Lorenzo

De basiliek van San Lorenzo behoort tot de oudste en bekendste kerken van Florence. De kerk is direct herkenbaar aan haar onvoltooide gevel en de enorme koepel van de kapel achter het koor, de befaamde Cappella dei Principi. Waarschijnlijk is er geen kerk in Florence die meer verbonden is met…

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Bologna: Santo Stefano

The complesso di Santo Stefano is a very special complex of churches, chapels, a courtyard and a cloister. Although the complex adjoins the Piazza Santo Stefano and a street named the Via Santo Stefano runs alongside the buildings towards the Porta Santo Stefano, the complex rather surprisingly does not have…

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Gubbio: Sant’Agostino

Voor kerken geldt: schijn kan nogal bedriegen. Ik had een blik geworpen op de niet erg indrukwekkende achttiende-eeuwse gevel van de kerk van Sant’Agostino, en had nooit verwacht dat ik eenmaal binnen verrast zou worden door schitterende vijftiende-eeuwse fresco’s in zowel de apsis als op de triomfboog. Wat we hier…

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Gubbio: Sant’Agostino

When visiting churches, looks can be very deceiving. I had taken a look at the rather unimpressive late eighteenth century facade of the church of Sant’Agostino, and upon stepping inside had never expected to find gorgeous frescoes from the fifteenth century both in the apse of the church and on…

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