De Tweede Illyrische Oorlog en het Lot van Saguntum: De Jaren 220-219 BCE

Samenvatting Gaius Flaminius wordt tot censor gekozen en laat het Circus Flaminius bouwen en de Via Flaminia aanleggen (220 BCE); De voormalige Romeinse bondgenoot Demetrios van Faros maakt zich opnieuw schuldig aan piraterij, hetgeen tot een Romeinse veldtocht tegen de Illyriërs leidt (219 BCE); De Tweede Illyrische Oorlog eindigt met…

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Rome: The Pantheon

The Pantheon is one of Rome’s most famous landmarks. In its current form, it dates from the second century. What is special, is that it is still more or less in one piece and that it has never been substantially modified. Rome does have a few other buildings from the…

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The Second Illyrian War and the Fate of Saguntum: The Years 220-219 BCE

Summary Gaius Flaminius is elected censor and has the Circus Flaminius and the Via Flaminia built (220 BCE); Rome’s former ally Demetrios of Faros resumes his piratical activities, prompting a Roman campaign against the Illyrians (219 BCE); The Second Illyrian War ends in a decisive Roman victory. The consul Lucius…

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