Rome: Santa Maria in Campitelli

The seventeenth-century church of Santa Maria in Campitelli was specifically built to house an icon, the Madonna del Portico. This icon is famous for two reasons. Not only is it credited with having stopped a plague in the 1650s, it is also quite special because of the way it was…

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Rome: Sant’Antonio dei Portoghesi

The richly decorated church of Sant’Antonio dei Portoghesi is dedicated to Saint Antonius of Padova (1195-1231). As I have written previously, the saint’s real name was not Antonius and he was not from Padova either. He had in fact been born as Fernando Martins in the Portuguese city of Lisbon.…

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Rome: Santa Maria in Traspontina

The famous Saint Peter’s Basilica is connected to the equally famous Castel Sant’Angelo and the river Tiber by the Via della Conciliazione. This broad street was built between 1936 and 1950 as a result of the Lateran treaty of 1929. In 1870 Italian troops had captured Rome from the Pope.…

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Rome: Sant’Antonio dei Portoghesi

De rijkversierde kerk van Sant’Antonio dei Portoghesi is gewijd aan Sint Antonius van Padova (1195-1231). Zoals ik al eerder heb geschreven, heette Sint Antonius geen Antonius en kwam hij ook niet uit Padova. Zijn echte naam was Fernando Martins en hij werd geboren in de Portugese stad Lissabon. Nadat hij…

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Rome: Santa Maria in Traspontina

De beroemde Sint Pieter wordt met de al even beroemde Engelenburcht en de rivier de Tiber verbonden door de Via della Conciliazione. Deze brede weg werd tussen 1936 en 1950 aangelegd en vloeide voort uit het Verdrag van Lateranen van 1929. In 1870 hadden Italiaanse troepen Rome op de Paus…

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Rome: Santa Maria dell’Orto

Ik dacht altijd dat er maar drie interessante kerken in Trastevere waren, mijn favoriete buurt in Rome: de Santa Maria in Trastevere natuurlijk, en vervolgens de Santa Cecilia en de San Crisogono. Ik realiseer me nu dat ik het al die tijd bij het verkeerde eind heb gehad. Ook de…

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Rome: Santa Maria dell’Orto

I used to think that there were only three interesting churches in Trastevere, my favourite neighbourhood in Rome: the Santa Maria in Trastevere of course, and then the Santa Cecilia and the San Crisogono. I now realise I was wrong all the time. The Santa Maria dell’Orto should be on…

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