Tag: Lotario Tomba
Piacenza: Palazzo Gotico and Piazza dei Cavalli

The Piazza dei Cavalli is the large square in Piacenza’s city centre. Under normal circumstances it probably attracts sizeable crowds, but when we were there in August of 2020 the square was almost deserted. This likely had everything to do with the COVID-19 pandemic, but fortunately it was still possible…
Piacenza: San Giovanni in Canale
Piacenza: Santa Maria di Campagna
Piacenza: Palazzo Gotico en Piazza dei Cavalli

De Piazza dei Cavalli is het grote plein in het centrum van Piacenza. Doorgaans is het er waarschijnlijk gezellig druk, maar toen wij het in augustus 2020 bezochten was het nagenoeg uitgestorven. Ongetwijfeld waren er vanwege de COVID-19-crisis veel minder mensen op straat, maar gelukkig konden we nog wel genieten…