Tag: Pope Urbanus VIII
Rome: Santa Bibiana
Rome: Saint Peter’s Basilica
Spoleto: Museo Diocesano and Sant’Eufemia
Spoleto: The Duomo

Spoleto’s cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta or Duomo can certainly be counted among the city’s many highlights. The current Duomo was built in the late twelfth and early thirteenth century and replaced an earlier cathedral which seems to date from the eighth or ninth century. This earlier cathedral, known as…
My Walk along the Via Appia (part 5)
Rome: Santi Cosma e Damiano

Er is niet veel bekend over de levens van de tweelingbroers Cosmas en Damianus (Κοσμάς en Δαμιανός in het Grieks). Volgens de overlevering werden ze geboren in Arabië, waarmee waarschijnlijk Arabia Petraea is bedoeld, toen onderdeel van het Romeinse Rijk. Cosmas en Damianus werden allebei arts. Klaarblijkelijk waren ze erg…
Rome: The Pantheon
Rome: Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
Rome: Galleria Borghese
Rome: San Giovanni in Fonte (Lateran Baptistery)
Rome: San Lorenzo in Fonte
Rome: Palazzo Barberini
Rome: Santi Cosma e Damiano

Not much is known about the lives of the twin brothers Cosmas and Damianus (Κοσμάς and Δαμιανός in Greek). Tradition dictates that they were born in Arabia, which is most likely Arabia Petraea, then part of the Roman Empire. Cosmas and Damianus both became physicians. They were apparently quite good…