Cremona: Sant’Agostino

The church of Sant’Agostino is an enormous brick building from the fourteenth century. The church stands on the Via Breda, and the name of this street gives a clue about the predecessor of the church. This previous church was the San Giacomo in Braida, with the Germanic word braida meaning…

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Gubbio: Sant’Agostino

Voor kerken geldt: schijn kan nogal bedriegen. Ik had een blik geworpen op de niet erg indrukwekkende achttiende-eeuwse gevel van de kerk van Sant’Agostino, en had nooit verwacht dat ik eenmaal binnen verrast zou worden door schitterende vijftiende-eeuwse fresco’s in zowel de apsis als op de triomfboog. Wat we hier…

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Rome: Sant’Agostino

Ik had nog niet eerder een bezoek gebracht aan deze grote Augustijnse kerk net ten noorden van de Piazza Navona. De kerk stond dan ook hoog op mijn lijstje. Ik had de ochtend besteed aan het bezoeken van andere Romeinse kerken (deze, deze en deze) en haastte me vervolgens naar…

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Gubbio: Sant’Agostino

When visiting churches, looks can be very deceiving. I had taken a look at the rather unimpressive late eighteenth century facade of the church of Sant’Agostino, and upon stepping inside had never expected to find gorgeous frescoes from the fifteenth century both in the apse of the church and on…

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Rome: Sant’Agostino

I had not yet visited this large Augustinian church just north of the Piazza Navona and it was high on my list. I had spent the morning visiting other Roman churches (this one, this one and this one) and then hurried towards the Sant’Agostino, hoping to get there on time…

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Padova: Eremitani

I can only describe the church of the Eremitani in Padova as a pleasant surprise. We still had about an hour to go before we could visit the famous Cappella degli Scrovegni, so we decided to pop in here and have a look. Our expectations were quite low, as the…

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