The Third Macedonian War: The Year 171 BCE

Summary Rome declares war on Macedonia; start of the Third Macedonian War; A conflict regarding the recruitment of centurions is resolved through an intervention by the veteran Spurius Ligustinus; The Boeotian League is dissolved, but some former members decide to support King Perseus; Quintus Marcius Philippus is criticised by senior…

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The Third Macedonian War: The Year 170 BCE

Summary Publius Licinius Crassus sacks Koroneia, for which he is severely reprimanded; Some of the Epirotes defect to Perseus; The new consul Aulus Hostilius Mancinus is almost captured en route to Thessaly; Mancinus fails to force his way into Macedonia with his army; Mancinus sends a diplomatic delegation through all…

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The Seleucid War: The Year 192 BCE

Summary The Romans declare King Antiochos III of the Seleucid Empire an enemy of the State; More Roman successes in the Spanish provinces; The proconsul Quintus Minucius Thermus defeats the Ligurians in a battle near Pisa; The consuls Lucius Quinctius and Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus devastate the territories of the Boii,…

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