Month: December 2021
The Early Republic: the Second Samnite war (part 1; 327-312 BCE)
The Early Republic: Samnites, Latins and Campanians (343-327 BCE)

In 343 BCE a war broke out between the Romans and Samnites, an Oscan-speaking people that lived in the hills and mountains of southern Central Italy. Roman behaviour was exceptionally opportunistic, as little more than ten years ago they had made an alliance with the Samnites. Now, however, they decided…
The Early Republic: crisis, reconstruction and new expansion (part 2; ca. 386-342 BCE)
The Early Republic: crisis, reconstruction and new expansion (part 1; ca. 386-342 BCE)
The Early Republic: the conquest of Veii and the sack of Rome (ca. 400-386 BCE)
The Early Republic: the constitution of the fourth and third century BCE (part 2)
The Early Republic: the constitution of the fourth and third century BCE (part 1)
The Early Republic: the wars of the fifth century BCE (part 2)
The Early Republic: the wars of the fifth century BCE (part 1)
The Early Republic: the constitution of the fifth century BCE (part 2)
The Early Republic: the constitution of the fifth century BCE (part 1)
De fauna van de Hofvijver

Ook al is de Eerste Kamer verhuisd naar een locatie die zich slechts twee straten achter het Binnenhof bevindt, haar unieke uitzicht is ze de komende jaren kwijt. Aan de zuidzijde keek de Senaat uit op het Binnenhof zelf, met onder meer de Ridderzaal, de Stadhouderspoort, het achttiende-eeuwse paleis van…