Category: Brescia
Brescia: Capitolium and Roman theatre
Brescia: City of piazzas
Brescia: Santa Giulia (part 4)
Brescia: Santa Giulia (part 3)
Brescia: Santa Giulia (part 2)
Brescia: Santa Giulia (part 1)
Brescia: Santa Maria della Carità
Brescia: Santa Maria delle Grazie
Brescia: San Pietro in Oliveto
Brescia: Santissimo Corpo di Cristo
Brescia: Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Brescia: The Duomo Nuovo
Brescia: The Duomo Vecchio
Brescia: San Faustino in Riposo

According to tradition, Faustinus and Jovita were two brothers from Brescia who were martyred during the reign of the Roman emperor Hadrianus (117-138). However, the ‘Acts’ describing their lives were only written much later and are exceptionally unreliable. Apparently this did not prevent the two brothers from becoming patron saints…
Brescia: Santi Nazaro e Celso

The church of Santi Nazaro e Celso is dedicated to two fairly obscure martyrs, Nazarius and Celsus. According to tradition, it was Saint Ambrosius of Milan (ca. 340-397) who dug up their relics in the cemetery surrounding the Basilica Apostolorum, a church he had founded. This basilica was later renamed…