Month: May 2016
The First Punic War: The Year 264 BCE
Summary Rome and Carthage intervene on Sicily to aid the Mamertines of Messana; Carthaginian garrison expelled from Messana; Carthage and Syracuse form an alliance, but both are defeated by the consul Appius Claudius Caudex; The consul Marcus Fulvius Flaccus captures the Etruscan city of Volsinii and razes it to the…
The First Punic War: The Year 263 BCE
Summary Successful Roman campaigns on Sicily by the consuls Manius Otacilius Crassus and Manius Valerius Maximus Messalla; Alliance between Rome and King Hiero of Syracuse; Now that order had been restored in Volsinii, the Romans could send both newly elected consuls to Sicily. Their names were Manius Otacilius Crassus and…
The First Punic War: The Years 262-261 BCE
Summary The consuls Lucius Postumius Megellus and Quintus Mamilius Vitulus besiege Agrigentum, an important base for Carthaginian operations on Sicily (262 BCE); Carthage sends a large relief army led by Hanno to Agrigentum; The Romans defeat the Carthaginian relief army in the Battle of Agrigentum; The Romans capture Agrigentum and…
The First Punic War: The Year 260 BCE
The First Punic War: The Years 259-257 BCE
Summary The First Punic War continues without any major land or sea battles; First engagements between the Romans and Carthaginians near Corsica and Sardinia (259 BCE); Failed Roman attack on Panormus on Sicily (258 BCE); The Romans and Carthaginians fight each other to a draw at the naval Battle of…
The First Punic War: The Years 256-255 BCE
Summary Decisive Roman victory at the naval Battle of Ecnomus (256 BCE); The consuls Marcus Atilius Regulus and Lucius Manlius Vulso Longus sail to Africa with an army and capture the town of Aspis; After his colleague Vulso returns to Italy, the consul Regulus defeats the Carthaginians at the Battle…
The First Punic War: The Years 254-251 BCE
Summary The consuls Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Asina and Aulus Atilius Calatinus capture Panormus (254 BCE); The consuls Gnaeus Servilius Caepio and Gaius Sempronius Blaesus fail to capture Lilybaeum (253 BCE); After raiding the African coast with limited success, the consuls lose much of their fleet in a violent storm; The…
The First Punic War: The Year 250 BCE
Summary Aiming to assault the important Carthaginian city of Lilybaeum, the Romans decide to build new warships; The consuls Gaius Atilius Regulus and Lucius Manlius Vulso Longus start the siege of Lilybaeum; The Carthaginians manage to slip reinforcements past the Roman naval blockade of the city; During a successful sortie,…
The First Punic War: The Year 249 BCE
Summary The consul Publius Claudius Pulcher suffers a humiliating defeat against the Carthaginians at the naval Battle of Drepana; Pulcher is put on trial and fined; The other consul, Lucius Junius Pullus, loses most of his fleet in a storm; Pullus manages to capture Mount Eryx near Drepana; Aulus Atilius…
The First Punic War: The Years 248-243 BCE
Summary Hamilcar Barcas lands on Sicily and starts a guerrilla war against the Romans from Mount Hercte (247 BCE); Foundation of Roman colonies at Fregenae and Alsium and a Latin colony at Brundisium (245 BCE); Hamilcar Barcas captures the town of Eryx and continues his guerrilla from there (244 BCE).…