Category: Verona
Verona: The Duomo
Verona: San Giorgio in Braida
Verona: San Zeno
Verona: Santa Anastasia
Remarkably, the large basilica of Santa Anastasia in Verona is not dedicated to the eponymous saint. Instead the immense church is dedicated to Saint Peter of Verona, also known as Saint Peter Martyr. This Dominican preacher, inquisitor and persecutor of heretics was murdered by a hired assassin in 1252 and…
Verona: The Castelvecchio
Verona: San Lorenzo
Verona: San Fermo Maggiore
Verona: The tombs of the Scaligeri
Between 1263 and 1387, the city of Verona was ruled by members of the Della Scala family, also known as the Scaligeri. The Scaligeri dynasty was founded by Leonardino della Scala, a condottiero (mercenary captain) who was nicknamed Mastino (‘mastiff’). He managed to acquire the offices of podestà and capitano…