Rome: Santa Pudenziana

De Santa Pudenziana, vlak bij de veel bekendere Santa Maria Maggiore, behoort tot de best bewaarde geheimen van Rome. De kerk is een verborgen juweeltje. Ze is een van de oudste in Rome en heeft een belangrijk en indrukwekkend apsismozaïek uit de late vierde of vroege vijfde eeuw. Toch lopen…

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Rome: Santa Prassede

The first challenge is to actually find this church. It is just a stone’s throw away from the Santa Maria Maggiore, yet it is still very easy to miss. The Santa Prassede is somewhat hidden between other buildings and the church’s campanile is completely invisible. One enters the church through…

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Rome: Santa Pudenziana

The Santa Pudenziana, near the much more famous Santa Maria Maggiore, is one of Rome’s best kept secrets. It is a hidden gem. The church is one of the oldest in Rome and has an important and impressive late fourth or early fifth century apse mosaic. Yet the Santa Pudenziana…

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