Tag: Theoderic
Ravenna: Museo Arcivescovile
Ravenna: Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra
Classis Ravenna – the history of a fascinating city
Verona: Remains of a Roman city
Rome: Sant’Anastasia
Spoleto: Museo Diocesano and Sant’Eufemia
Rome: San Giovanni a Porta Latina
Ravenna: The Arian Baptistery
Ravenna: Sant’Apollinare Nuovo
Ravenna: Mausoleum of Theoderic

When the Ostrogothic king Theoderic died in Ravenna in 526, Italy had been part of his kingdom for over 30 years. Theoderic was anything but the stereotypical barbarian ruler. He was just, cultured, educated and mostly tolerant. Furthermore, he had excellent strategic insight and most of Italy prospered economically under…
Rome: Santi Cosma e Damiano

Not much is known about the lives of the twin brothers Cosmas and Damianus (Κοσμάς and Δαμιανός in Greek). Tradition dictates that they were born in Arabia, which is most likely Arabia Petraea, then part of the Roman Empire. Cosmas and Damianus both became physicians. They were apparently quite good…