Tag: Caesar Augustus
Augustus en de Republiek
Het Principaat Nadat hij als overwinnaar uit de Romeinse Burgeroorlog was gekomen, stelde Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus een regeringsvorm in die bekend staat als het Principaat. Deze was gebaseerd op de overbekende Republikeinse ambten en instellingen. Anders dan zijn adoptievader – de Vergoddelijkte Julius – werd de jongere Caesar geen…
Book review: The Republican Roman Army – a Sourcebook
Modern western democracies have a strict separation of military and civil offices, but this was not the case in the Roman Republic (ca. 509-27 BCE). It was not until the third century CE, during the Imperial era, that such a separation was introduced. During the Republican era, politicians were also…
Book review: Antony and Cleopatra
Adrian Goldsworthy (1969) is primarily known for his authoritative publications on the Roman army. A few years ago, he switched to Roman history in general, with a special interest in political history. Since then, Goldsworthy has written a superb biography of Gaius Julius Caesar, Caesar: The Life of a Colossus…
Augustus and the Republic
The Principate After emerging triumphant from the Civil War, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus created a system of government known as the Principate. It was based on the well-known Republican offices and institutions. The younger Caesar did not become dictator for life (dictator perpetuo), like his adoptive father – the Divine…