Politieman van de Middellandse Zee: De Jaren 166-160 BCE

Samenvatting De consuls Marcus Claudius Marcellus en Gaius Sulpicius Gallus verslaan de Kelten van de Alpen en de Liguriërs (166 BCE); De Romeinen en Atheners vormen het eiland Delos om tot een vrijhandelszone, waardoor de economie van Rhodos zware klappen krijgt (ca. 166 BCE); Koning Antiochos IV van het Seleucidenrijk…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 207 BCE

Summary For the first time during the Second Punic War, the Roman coastal colonies are required to provide soldiers; Hasdrubal Barcas arrives in Cisalpine Gaul, but fails to capture the Latin colony of Placentia; The consul Gaius Claudius Nero confronts Hannibal near Grumentum; The Romans intercept couriers with a message…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 203 BCE

Summary Publius Cornelius Scipio annihilates the armies of Hasdrubal and Syphax in a night attack near Utica; Scipio again defeats Hasdrubal and Syphax at the Battle of Great Plains; The Carthaginians finally decide to recall Hannibal from Southern Italy; Gaius Laelius and Masinissa defeat King Syphax and capture him; Masinissa…

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