Naples: The Duomo

The Duomo of Naples or cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is a complex building, or perhaps rather a building complex. This complex consists of the early Christian church and former cathedral of Santa Restituta, the adjacent baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte, the medieval cathedral itself and lastly the seventeenth-century…

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Naples: Santa Chiara

The Piazza Gesù Nuovo is a good spot to admire the church of Santa Chiara and its freestanding bell-tower. Naples is a densely built city, the whole complex of Santa Chiara is walled and the aforementioned square is one of the very few places that offers a relatively uninhibited view.…

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Napels: De Duomo

De Duomo van Napels of kathedraal van Santa Maria Assunta is een complex gebouw, of wellicht eerder een gebouwencomplex. Dit complex bestaat uit de vroegchristelijke kerk en voormalige kathedraal van Santa Restituta, het daarnaast gebouwde baptisterium van San Giovanni in Fonte, de middeleeuwse kathedraal zelf en ten slotte de zeventiende-eeuwse…

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