Mithras in Ostia

The mystery cult of Mithras must have been very popular in Ostia. The city had at least 17 mithraea or places of worship.[1] It should, however, be noted that these mithraea were not that large: they could perhaps accommodate twenty to thirty people each. Twenty to thirty men actually, as…

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Mithras in Ostia

De mysteriecultus van Mithras moet erg populair geweest zijn in Ostia. Er waren in de stad minstens 17 mithraea of plaatsen van samenkomst.[1] Nu waren deze mithraea niet erg groot: ze boden plaats aan misschien twintig tot dertig mensen. Twintig tot dertig mannen moet ik eigenlijk zeggen, want de cultus…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 214 BCE

Summary The new consuls are Quintus Fabius Maximus and Marcus Claudius Marcellus, ‘the shield and sword of Rome’; Hannibal fails to capture Puteoli, Nola and Tarentum; The Romans recapture Casilinum and threaten Capua; Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus defeats the Carthaginian commander Hanno at the Battle of the river Calor near Beneventum;…

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