Gaius Gracchus: De Jaren 124-123 BCE

Samenvatting Gaius Gracchus wordt tot volkstribuun gekozen (124 BCE); De consul en latere proconsul Gaius Sextius Calvinus verslaat in Zuid-Gallië de Salluvii en de Vocontii en sticht de kolonie Aquae Sextiae (124-123 BCE); Gaius Gracchus lanceert een ambitieus wetgevingsprogramma met onder meer wetsvoorstellen over landhervormingen, graanprijzen, arbeidsomstandigheden in het leger,…

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Gaius Gracchus: The Years 124-123 BCE

Summary Gaius Gracchus is elected people’s tribune (124 BCE); The consul and later proconsul Gaius Sextius Calvinus defeats the Salluvii and the Vocontii of Southern Gaul and founds the colony of Aquae Sextiae (124-123 BCE); Gaius Gracchus launches an ambitious legislative program that includes bills about land reforms, grain prices,…

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Gaius Gracchus: The Years 122-121 BCE

Summary The popular assembly adopts the Lex Sempronia de provinciis consularibus, which stipulates that the Senate selects the consular provinces before the consuls themselves are elected (122 BCE); Gaius Gracchus is opposed by his colleague, the people’s tribune Marcus Livius Drusus (122 BCE); Gaius Gracchus’ proposal to grant citizenship to…

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