Flamininus returns: The Year 194 BCE

Summary The war in Macedonia and Greece is officially ended; The Senate decides that Latins that have settled in Roman colonies are not Roman citizens; Sextus Aelius Paetus and Gaius Cornelius Cethegus serve as censors; Scipio Africanus is again nominated princeps senatus; The proconsul Lucius Valerius Flaccus defeats the Boii…

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Prelude to the Seleucid War: The Year 193 BCE

Summary A Lex Sempronia curbs usury; Many Romans seek exemption from military service, but the Senate refuses to grant dispensations; A large army of Ligurians surrounds Pisa, but withdraws when the consul Quintus Minucius Thermus arrives with his army; The consul Lucius Cornelius Merula wins a bloody, but decisive victory…

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The Seleucid War: The Year 192 BCE

Summary The Romans declare King Antiochos III of the Seleucid Empire an enemy of the State; More Roman successes in the Spanish provinces; The proconsul Quintus Minucius Thermus defeats the Ligurians in a battle near Pisa; The consuls Lucius Quinctius and Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus devastate the territories of the Boii,…

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The Seleucid War: The Year 190 BCE

Summary The Senate releases Demetrios, son of King Philippos of Macedonia, and cancels the king’s obligation to pay an annual tribute; Negotiations between Rome and the Aetolian League break down as the Romans continue to demand a deditio; the war continues; Manius Acilius Glabrio captures Lamia and besieges Amphissa in…

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The Galatian War: The Year 189 BCE

Summary The Latin colony of Bononia is founded; The new praetor of Hispania Ulterior, Lucius Baebius Dives, is killed on the way to his province; Lucius Aemilius Paullus continues his campaigns against the Lusitani and wins a great victory; The pontifex maximus Publius Licinius Crassus prohibits the praetor and flamen…

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The Peace of Apameia: The Year 188 BCE

Summary The people’s tribune Gaius Valerius Tappo bypasses the Senate and sends a proposal to grant full Roman citizenship to the citizens of Formiae, Arpinum and Fundi directly to the popular assembly; Scipio Africanus is once again nominated princeps senatus by the censors; Marcus Fulvius Nobilior captures Same on Kephallenia…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 208 BCE

Summary Gaius Valerius Flaccus is consecrated as flamen Dialis against his will and successfully claims a seat in the Senate; Unrest in Etruria; The consuls, Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Titus Quinctius Crispinus, are ambushed by Hannibal’s Numidian cavalry during a careless reconnaissance mission; Marcellus is killed, Crispinus dies of his…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 207 BCE

Summary For the first time during the Second Punic War, the Roman coastal colonies are required to provide soldiers; Hasdrubal Barcas arrives in Cisalpine Gaul, but fails to capture the Latin colony of Placentia; The consul Gaius Claudius Nero confronts Hannibal near Grumentum; The Romans intercept couriers with a message…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 206 BCE

Summary The Romans try to restore agricultural production in Latium and other parts of Italy; The consuls Lucius Veturius Philo and Quintus Caecilius Metellus occupy Lucania, containing Hannibal in a corner of Southern Italy; In Spain, Publius Cornelius Scipio wins his finest victory of the war by defeating the Carthaginians…

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The Second Punic War: The Year 203 BCE

Summary Publius Cornelius Scipio annihilates the armies of Hasdrubal and Syphax in a night attack near Utica; Scipio again defeats Hasdrubal and Syphax at the Battle of Great Plains; The Carthaginians finally decide to recall Hannibal from Southern Italy; Gaius Laelius and Masinissa defeat King Syphax and capture him; Masinissa…

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The Second Punic War: The Years 202-201 BCE

Summary Publius Cornelius Scipio wins a decisive victory over Hannibal at the Battle of Zama; The Romans dictate incredibly harsh peace terms to the Carthaginians, which are nevertheless accepted; End of the Second Punic War; Scipio receives the agnomen ‘Africanus’. It was clear that the Second Punic War was drawing…

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