Rome: Santa Maria in Campitelli

The seventeenth-century church of Santa Maria in Campitelli was specifically built to house an icon, the Madonna del Portico. This icon is famous for two reasons. Not only is it credited with having stopped a plague in the 1650s, it is also quite special because of the way it was…

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Rome: Il Gesù

De Santissimo Nome di Gesù all’Argentina – door vrijwel iedereen gewoon Il Gesù genoemd – is de moederkerk van de Orde van de Jezuïeten. Hoewel de Orde al in 1534 werd gesticht en zes jaar later pauselijke goedkeuring kreeg, duurde het nog tot 2013 voordat ze zelf een paus voor…

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Rome: Santi Apostoli

Mijn eerste poging om de kerk van de Heilige Apostelen in Rome te bezoeken was bepaald geen succes. Ik was zeker niet vergeten dat de Romeinen op 6 januari Driekoningen vieren, maar ik had niet verwacht dat dit zou betekenen dat de Santi Apostoli de hele dag gebruikt zou worden…

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Rome: Il Gesù

The Santissimo Nome di Gesù all’Argentina – simply called Il Gesù by just about anyone – is the mother church of the Jesuit Order. Although founded in 1534 and approved six years later, the Order did not provide the Catholic Church with a pope until 2013, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio…

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Rome: Santi Apostoli

My first attempt to visit the church of the Holy Apostles in Rome was hardly a raging success. I had not forgotten that the Romans celebrate Epiphany on 6 January, but I had not expected that that meant that the Santi Apostoli would be used for religious services all day…

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Rome: San Francesco a Ripa

De San Francesco is een kleine kerk in Trastevere die vlak bij de westelijke oever (ripa) van de rivier de Tiber staat. Uiteraard is de kerk gewijd aan niemand minder dan Sint Franciscus van Assisi, een van de bekendste en belangrijkste heiligen in de geschiedenis van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk. Zijn…

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Rome: San Francesco a Ripa

The San Francesco is small church in Trastevere, located near the western shore (ripa) of the river Tiber. It is of course dedicated to none other than Saint Franciscus of Assisi, one of the best-known and most important saints in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. His preaching was…

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