Padova: Eremitani

Ik kan de kerk van de Eremitani in Padova alleen maar beschrijven als een aangename verrassing. We moesten nog ongeveer een uur wachten voordat we de beroemde Cappella degli Scrovegni konden bezoeken, dus we besloten hier even naar binnen te gaan en een kijkje te nemen. Onze verwachtingen waren nogal…

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Padova: Eremitani Museums

I like to consider myself somewhat of a museum tiger. I can spend hours in succession exploring the collections of the largest museums in the world. But Padova’s Musei Civici or Eremitani Museums were just too much for me. They are anything but boring, but simply too large to visit…

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Padova: Eremitani

I can only describe the church of the Eremitani in Padova as a pleasant surprise. We still had about an hour to go before we could visit the famous Cappella degli Scrovegni, so we decided to pop in here and have a look. Our expectations were quite low, as the…

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