Florence: Museo Stefano Bardini

Florence has a number of very good smaller museums that have originated from private collections. I have previously discussed the Museo Horne, where we can admire the collection of the Englishman Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916). Another post was about the collection of Salvatore Romano (1875-1955), which can be found in…

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Florence: Museo Stefano Bardini

Florence kent een aantal leuke, kleinere musea die uit particuliere verzamelingen zijn ontstaan. Eerder heb ik het Museo Horne besproken, waar we de collectie van de Engelsman Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916) kunnen bewonderen. Verder heb ik aandacht besteed aan de collectie van Salvatore Romano (1875-1955), die te vinden is in…

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Florence: San Lorenzo

The basilica of San Lorenzo is among the oldest and most famous churches of Florence. The church is immediately recognisable by its unfinished façade and the enormous dome of the chapel behind the choir, the famed Cappella dei Principi. There is probably no church in Florence that has a closer…

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Florence: San Lorenzo

De basiliek van San Lorenzo behoort tot de oudste en bekendste kerken van Florence. De kerk is direct herkenbaar aan haar onvoltooide gevel en de enorme koepel van de kapel achter het koor, de befaamde Cappella dei Principi. Waarschijnlijk is er geen kerk in Florence die meer verbonden is met…

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Pistoia: Madonna dell’Umiltà

Pistoia is sometimes called ‘little Florence’. The basilica of the Madonna dell’Umiltà may be largely held responsible for that nickname. It has a dome that closely resembles the famous dome that Brunelleschi built for the Duomo of Florence. Rather unsurprisingly, the dome in Pistoia was designed and built by a…

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