Rome: Santa Maria in Campitelli

The seventeenth-century church of Santa Maria in Campitelli was specifically built to house an icon, the Madonna del Portico. This icon is famous for two reasons. Not only is it credited with having stopped a plague in the 1650s, it is also quite special because of the way it was…

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Rome: San Silvestro in Capite

Oorspronkelijk had ik helemaal geen bezoek aan de San Silvestro in Capite ingepland.[1] Ze is typisch zo’n Romeinse kerk die in geen enkele reisgids wordt genoemd. Daar hoeft u overigens geen verwijt in te lezen: er zijn zeker interessantere kerken in de Eeuwige Stad. Dat betekent echter niet dat een…

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Rome: San Silvestro in Capite

I had not planned to visit the San Silvestro in Capite.[1] It is another one of those Roman churches that are not mentioned at all in most travel guides. I do not blame them: there are certainly more interesting churches in the Eternal City. However, that does not mean that…

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