Tag: Pietro Lombardo
Cividale del Friuli: The Duomo
Venetië: San Giobbe
Cividale del Friuli: De Duomo
Vicenza: San Lorenzo
Venetië: Santi Giovanni e Paolo
Venetië: Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Ravenna: Tombe van Dante

Dante Alighieri (ca. 1265-1321) is misschien wel de beroemdste Italiaanse dichter aller tijden. Hij is vooral bekend van zijn Divina Commedia (Goddelijke Komedie), die uit drie delen bestaat: Hel, Louteringsberg en Paradijs. Hoewel Dante geboren en getogen was in Florence en tot de belangrijkste Florentijnen in de geschiedenis kan worden…
Vicenza: San Lorenzo

The thirteenth century church of San Lorenzo in Vicenza is of course dedicated to Saint Lawrence the Deacon, martyred in 258 (more information here and here). The church and adjacent monastery have always been administered by members of the Franciscan Order. Now Saint Lawrence is not a typical Franciscan saint…
Venice: Santi Giovanni e Paolo
Venice: Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Ravenna: Dante’s tomb

Dante Alighieri (ca. 1265-1321) is perhaps the most famous Italian poet ever. He is best known for his Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy), which consists of three parts: Hell (or Inferno), Purgatory and Paradise. Although Dante was born and raised in Florence and can be considered one of the most important…